Ways of Escape

This blog was not designed to be about Multiple Sclerosis. It just happened and will keep happening until it’s all done. But there are still other things to talk about. My… ‘Ways of Escape’… a mess of things as I explore the world within the increasing limits of MS.


It’s strange to start this introduction to all the ways of escape on a slightly downbeat note. Cycling is big for me and has been since diagnosis. But the mountains and Grand Fondos? I now need an E-Bike to complete them.

All that will change in the blog, though, is that cycling will no longer have its own section. It is no longer about annual targets, this mountain or that long-distance ride. It is about enjoyment. A little less to write about in terms of build up but I will still write about the experiences that I have and the joy that comes with them.

And maybe there are actually personal targets. I just may not tell you!


I am absolutely not a musician. My efforts with the bass guitar are pretty comical and, these days, increasingly a nice exercise for co-ordination as opposed to with any major musical targets. But I love music and have something on constantly. Something I have written about before. I would like to write about it more. Just need to figure out what!

Food and Drink

So this bog started talking about food and drink. Several posts were around securing my Wine and Spirits Education Trust Level 3 Wine and Spirits qualification. These are gone now. But the love of wine, and food… that is absolutely still there. Perhaps a little less pretentious and more just thrilled to experience something memorable. The same with food. Cooking at home is pure relaxation and eating out is such a thrill if it is good. If it is not so good? Well, then I will just leave it behind.


I have always enjoyed writing. I don’t have the patience or concentration (or the natural ability?) to write a novel. I just like the scribble. Not just here. It’s just nice to have a little part of the internet to share my words on. Of course, there is an element of release. The MS part of life can be hard work and I am better writing about it than talking about it. But it is not all I want to write about.

Breaking the Rhythm

Look, this is a mess of subjects. I get that. Most of them I don’t have a clue on what to write about, but I will just write something. This is about ways of escape from the not so positive in life. Breaking the rhythm a little bit. The rhythm that has been imposed, at least partially, by MS. That is something that I cannot escape. But staying active, physically and mentally, is important. This blog is part of the latter and will cover various activities that be ways of escape.

In the end, it is good for everyone to have some way to express themselves. This is mine.
