• Multiple Sclerosis

    Ocrevus: Daring to Hope

    Ocrevus will be happening! What was speculation and hope in earlier posts is now planned, set in stone, in the diary! Exciting! If you find infusions exciting which, for once, I do. The first two infusions will take place on the 4th and 16th of April with subsequent infusions happening every six months. The target will be to slow and, hopefully, stop the progression of MS. Do I dare to hope? Progression Talk of hope comes after what has been a difficult period. One where that progression has been noticeable and when, frankly, optimism has been something of a challenge. I have found myself suddenly thinking twice, maybe three times,…

  • Multiple Sclerosis

    Back on the Roller Coaster

    A blog should reflect what is going on at the moment. At least, I think it should. It should be real as well. So here is a post on another instalment of the roller coaster ride that is life with MS, starting tomorrow. I really think that no matter what, the end of this part of the ride is going to be positive. Still, it is on my mind. Not real worry, just a bit of hope combined with some concern that this will come to nothing. Possibilities I will be honest, I am not so good at keeping up with news on MS. There are a couple of reasons…