Making a New Start… Again…
It feels like I write about a new start with this blog quite frequently. Certainly in the last couple of years. This time, though, it feels a little more real, more urgent in a personal sense. The thing is that a lot of that change has been an attempt to escape Multiple Sclerosis. I realise that it is not as simple as that. I cannot escape it. So I need to try to embrace it. Or, rather, embrace the change that is coming with it. Crossroads These changes mark a kind of crossroads in life. I am not that old, only forty-nine. Yet the physical change is enough that I…
Cycling: A Change of Adventure
It is time to accept it. Those grand cycling adventures, in the form that I have been experiencing them for the past few years, are gone. Cycling is not over, though. No way. It is too important to me. I just need to change the adventure that I experience through it. A Short History Cycling is massive for me perhaps because my history of bikes and Multiple Sclerosis are strangely intertwined. I actually only started riding a racing bike in 2012 at the tender age of thirty-seven and it was a crash on one of the early rides that led, in a roundabout way, to diagnosis. It was already there…